You accept that cookies and other similar technologies may be used to provide services and offers catered to your interests and secure transactions if you visit our website in the future without changing your preferences.
This privacy statement provides information on how our company uses and protects any information you provide us while using this website. Our company values your privacy greatly, and we take it extremely seriously. You may be confident that if we should ever ask for your personal information while you are using this website, it will only be used in the ways that are disclosed in this privacy statement. Our company may sometimes update this page to reflect changes we make to this policy. You must often review this page to ensure that any changes are acceptable to you.
What we gather
We may get the following data:
Name: contact details, such as an email address:
additional details pertinent to consumer surveys and/or offers, such as postcode, preferences, and interests
See the List of cookies we gather section for a complete list of the cookies we collect.
What we do with the data we collect
We require this information in particular for the reasons indicated below in order to better understand your needs and assist you.
maintaining internal records.
We could make use of the data to make our goods and services better.
Using the email address you have supplied, we may send you promotional emails on occasion about new goods, exclusive deals, or other topics we think you’ll find interesting.
Your information could sometimes be used to get in touch with you for market research. We may get in touch with you via phone, fax, email, or mail. We could use the data to make the website more relevant to your interests.
We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your data. For the protection of the data we gather online, we have put in place the necessary physical, technological, and administrative precautions.
How cookies are used
A cookie is a little file that asks permission to be saved on your computer’s hard drive. Once you’ve given your agreement, the file will be uploaded, and the cookie will either help analyse internet traffic or alert you when you visit a certain website. Cookies allow web programmes to react to you personally. The online application may modify its operations to suit your requirements, likes, and dislikes by gathering and storing information about your preferences. We utilise traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This gives us the opportunity to analyse web page traffic statistics and improve our website to better meet user demands. We only use this information for statistical analysis, after which it is removed from the database.
Overall, cookies enable us to track which pages you find helpful and which you do not, allowing us to present you with a better website. Except for the information you choose to share with us, a cookie in no way provides us access to your computer or any other personal information about you. You have the option to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers allow cookies by default, however you can often change your browser’s settings so that you may refuse cookies if you prefer. This can restrict you from using the website to its best potential.
other websites’ links
Our website may include connections to reputable other websites. You should be aware that we no longer have any control over any other website that you visit after using these links to leave ours. Since these sites are not covered by this privacy statement, we are unable to ensure the security and privacy of any information you provide when visiting them. Exercise cautious and read the website’s privacy policy before providing any information.
Having control over your personal data
The following options are available to you for limiting the gathering or use of your personal data:
When completing a form on a website, look for the checkbox that allows you to specify that you do not want the data to be used for direct marketing. If you have previously given us permission to use your personal information for direct marketing, you have the right to revoke that permission at any time by contacting our organisation through letter or email.
We will not sell, distribute, or lease your personal information to other parties unless you give us permission to do so or as required by law. We may send you information about third parties we think you would find interesting if you let us know that this is what you want us to do with your personal information. Please write to or email us as soon as you can at the address above if you think any information we have on you is inaccurate or incomplete. Any inaccurate information will be updated right away.